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Docket No. ER23-257-000: 2023 TRBAA Rate Filing
Filing Date: October 28, 2022
193.88 KB
2023 TRBAA Transmittal Letter
2023 TRBAA Transmittal Letter
134.77 KB
Appendix I 2023 TRBAA
Appendix I 2023 TRBAA
61.50 KB
Appendix I 2023 TRBAA Redline
Appendix I 2023 TRBAA Redline
107.02 KB
Appendix III 2023 TRBAA
Appendix III…
Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (Re-MAT)
for Small Renewable Generation
Re-MAT Program Summary
SDG&E’s ReMAT offers power purchase agreements to distribution-level renewable projects sized at 3 MWs or less from three product categories: baseload (typically including geothermal, bioenergy and hydro), peaking (typically including solar) and non-peaking (typically including wind). ReMAT was established by CPUC Decisions (D.) 12-05-035 and (D.) 13-05-034 to implement Senate Bill (SB) 32. SDG&E’s ReMAT was closed by the California Public Utilities Commission (“Commission” or “CPUC”) on December 15, 2016 and ordered re-opened in D.21-12-032 to procure 20.9 MW (the “Program Cap”), split equally among the three product types.
The program rules are described in more detail in the Re-MAT Tariff (Schedule ReMAT) and standard Re-…
Thank you for your interest in ESA. An RHA contractor will contact you shortly. For more information on the ESA program, please visit sdge.com/ESA.