Renewable Auction Mechanism (RAM) Map

Distribution System Available Capacity:

Substation Location

This location is displayed as a 1 mile round symbol on the map. Placement of the cursor and clicking on the substation symbol causes a pop-up window to show “substation” and “available generation capacity."

Feeder Location

All feeders are shown as colored lines. Branches extending from the feeder are not shown. Placement of the cursor and clicking on the feeder symbol will bring up a pop-up window to show a “circuit number” and “available generation capacity." 

Accessing the map


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Instructions to access and use the map
Instructions to access and use the map

If you need assistance in viewing/registering for the interactive map, contact us via email or phone (858) 636-5581 during regular business hours (Mon-Fri, 7am-4pm).

General Notes

  • The website is intended to provide an initial screening of generation interconnection projects. A detailed study is required to confirm all distribution upgrade costs. The interconnection customer should not rely on any cost estimates on this website as they are only intended to provide high level cost information. 

  • The interactive substation area map is intended to show the general substation area and not a specific point of interconnection. The interconnection customer must meet with SDG&E to confirm the substation interconnection point. 

  • The interactive feeder map is not intended for an interconnection customer to identify the exact location for interconnection. The interconnection customer must meet with SDG&E to confirm the interconnection point. 

  • Feeder branches routes are not shown on the interactive map as they generally have limited capacity for interconnection. Should a branch be proposed as the point of interconnection it is likely that potentially significant distribution branch upgrades will be required to facilitate the interconnection. 

  • The sum of the generation capacity on the circuit and substation cannot exceed the rated capacity of the substation. For example : If a substation rated capacity is 12 MW and the associated substation three (3) circuits have 6 MW each of rated capacity the maximum proposed generation cannot exceed 12 MW when summing the proposed generation capacity on the substation and circuits. 

  • Negative available generation capacity indicates over allocation of generation capacity and will result in zero available capacity on the feeder. This indicates that proposed projects have already been submitted for interconnection related to a feeder or substation and the generation project’s capacity has been allocated for their queue position. The SDG&E distribution system is limited to the positive available generation capacity shown on the substation or feeder and interactive map. 

  • The interactive website map is not intended for construction. 

  • Interconnection to the distribution system may also impact the transmission system and will require additional analysis.

  • All interconnection requests shall follow applicable interconnection requirements.

Generation Capacities for Feeders

Minimal Impact Capacity

An interconnection request seeking interconnection of 15% or less of feeder rated capacity minus existing generation capacity minus distribution queue position capacity that is estimated to cost no more than $250K.

See Note 1 in the Feeder Available Generation Capacity Table 2 document that provides all assumptions. 

Total Generation Capacity

Total feeder rated capacity minus existing generation capacity minus distribution queue position capacity. Cost to interconnect projects which have a generation capacity of greater than 15% of feeder rated capacity are estimated to exceed $250K and will require separate cost calculation for each specific project proposed.

See Note 2 in the Substation Available Generation Capacity Table 1 document that provides all assumptions.


115.55 KB
Substation Available Generation Capacity Table 1
Substation Available Generation Capacity Table 1
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Feeder Available Generation Capacity Table 2
Feeder Available Generation Capacity Table 2