Save on Your Heating and Cooling
Heating and cooling makes up about 40% of the energy used in commercial buildings, which is why outdated HVAC systems and other structural issues could be a huge drain on your energy bill.
Your Quick Energy-Efficiency Checklist
Make sure your equipment is the right size. The most efficient sizing will require the heating system to run constantly at full load on the coldest day that the building is designed to handle.
Geothermal heat pumps transfer heat between the building and the ground. Although they cost more to install, they have low operating costs. If your building is located near a body of water, such as a pond or lake, water-source heat pumps can offer similar advantages.
The heat pipe, originally developed by NASA to cool spacecraft, lowers an air conditioner's energy consumption by 5 – 10% by improving its ability to dehumidify the air.
Consider variable speed motors and compressors. Instead of always operating at full power, these allow heat pumps and air conditioners to more closely match energy use to temperature fluctuation.
Lighting 101
Today’s energy-efficient lighting comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and wattages for almost every business use. Take a look at the lighting products below, followed by suggested uses and energy-saving tips, and learn how you can light up for less — without sacrificing style, comfort or personal safety.
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
An LED is a semi-conductor device that emits visible light when conducting current. Efficient, durable and long-lasting, LED lights can save energy and money on accent, landscape and holiday lighting.
Photocells use a sensor to automatically turn a light off when enough daylight is detected, and turns the fixture on when it becomes dark. Motion detection and sound activation sensors are also available.
Solar Cell System (or Photovoltaic Cell System)
Solar cells convert sunlight into electricity to generate solar power. Consider combining solar cells with energy-efficient lighting products like LEDs and CFLs for low- or no-cost lighting options that are ideal for landscaping or other outdoor uses.
Keep Your Water Heating from Burning a Hole in Your Bill
Water heating averages up to 7% of the energy used in commercial buildings. These simple changes can help reduce water use and the amount of energy required to heat it.
- Install faucet aerators in restrooms and low-flow showerheads for on-site shower facilities.
- Use front-loading washing machines with high-speed spin cycles to save water and energy used for drying.
- Choose low-water-use dishwashing equipment for cafeterias.
- Make use of the free heat being exhausted by air conditioners, icemakers, or above a cooking line with a heat pump water heater. These water heaters also return a moderate amount of free air conditioning as a by-product.
For more information, talk to your Account Executive or call our Energy Savings Center at 1-800-644-6133.