This RFO is closed. 

SDG&E’s 2025-2031 IRP Reliability RFO is currently open and can be accessed at

2023-2026 IRP Reliability RFO

San Diego Gas & Electric Company (“SDG&E”) seeks through the IRP Reliability Request for Offers to procure resources to meet electric system reliability needs as required by California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") Decision 21-06-035. The Decision requires SDG&E to solicit offers from owners and operators for the purchase of eligible resource adequacy (“RA”) to come online by August 1, 2023, June 1, 2024, June 1, 2025, or June 1, 2026.   

The Commission adopted Decision 23-02-040 which requires SDG&E to solicit additional incremental offers from owners and operators for the purchase of eligible resource adequacy (“RA”) to come online by June 1, 2026, and June 1, 2027. Long lead-time resources, including long duration energy storage and firm zero-emitting resources, may be postponed coming online by June 1, 2028. SDG&E will be launching new phase(s) of the Mid-Term IRP Reliability RFO in the coming months to solicit offers for the purchase of eligible RA to meet the remaining requirements of Decision 21-06-035 and Decision 23-02-040.

Latest News & Update

  • View the Mid-Term Reliability RFO for Imports
  • Issued on February 28, 2023, D.23-02-040 Ordering Paragraph 8 states that “For enhanced reliability purposes and compliance with the generic capacity requirements of Decision (D.) 21-06-035 or this order, but not for the Diablo Canyon replacement capacity or long lead-time resource procurement required in D.21-06-035, a load serving entity may contract for imported energy as a bridge until the online date of a new compliance resource, from any resource and with any counterparty, for a period of not more than three years. The bridge contract for imported energy must meet resource adequacy requirements at the time the contract is executed.”
  • SDG&E is launching this Request for Offer(s) (RFO) to seek submission of imported energy offer(s) for the purchase of eligible resource adequacy (RA) as bridge capacity to meet electric system reliability needs in D.21-06-035 and D.23-02-040. .
    • The offered imported energy must follow the eligibility and counting rules of resource adequacy requirements at the time of contract execution and with a delivery start date of June 1, 2024, until June 1, 2025 (one-year term).
    • For non-resource-specific RA imports, an “energy product” that “cannot be curtailed for economic reasons” shall self-schedule into the California Independent System Operator markets, consistent with the timeframe established in the governing contract.
    • SDG&E will utilize the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) master contract or Western Systems Power Pool (WSPP) agreement to execute any agreement(s) that may result from this RFO.
  • The updated schedule for the import energy RFO is described in the table below.




RFO Issued

April 24, 2023



Offers must be uploaded to and received on Power Advocate

no later than 12:00 PM Pacific Prevailing Time

May 5, 2023



May 19, 2023




May 19, 2023


SDG&E commences contract negotiations

May 23, 2023


Target date to complete contract negotiations

June 6, 2023

SDG&E reserves the right to revise this schedule at any time and in SDG&E’s sole discretion. Proposals must be submitted via PowerAdvocate in accordance with the instructions contained in the RFP Protocols.  Respondents intending to bid but who do not yet have an existing account with PowerAdvocate® must first register to create a username/password to receive access to the event (event code 140188). Users with an existing PowerAdvocate® account may request access using: 

Please submit the following required documents for proposed offer(s).

Import Energy Offer Form

Credit Application

DBE Subcontracting Goal and Reporting

If Respondents encounter difficulties with the submission process, they should provide evidence of such difficulties. 

All questions or other communications regarding this IRP Reliability RFO must be submitted via email to BOTH[email protected] with a CC to [email protected] (Independent Evaluator). 

  • SDG&E is reopening this RFO for submission of new offer(s) and/or updates to previously submitted offer(s) for the purchase of eligible resource adequacy (“RA”) to come online by August 1, 2023, June 1, 2024, June 1, 2025, or June 1, 2026. While SDG&E is seeking new and updated offers for all online dates, SDG&E is particularly interested in offers from projects that can achieve an August 2023 COD. All updated information are in red font below. 
  •  SDG&E is extending the due date for offers in response to this RFO from November 5 to November 19, 2021 and expanding the qualifications for conforming offers to include incremental resources that can come online in the summer of 2022.  

FAQ on Bidder Questions

Solicitation Webinar – October 13, 2021, 1-2 PM PST

Products Solicited & Submittal Documents

D.21-06-035 (hereafter, “the Decision”) requires SDG&E to procure at least 361 megawatts (“MWs”) of additional1 net qualifying capacity (“NQC”). Qualification would be measured based on September NQC calculations using marginal ELCCs calculated by the Commission for each resource type for each future online year. The additional MWs are to come online between August 1, 2023 and June 1, 2026. The Decision requires SDG&E to procure and have online, 63 MW by August 1, 2023, 188 additional MW by June 1, 2024, 47 additional MW by June 1, 2025, and 63 additional MW by June 1, 2026. SDG&E is soliciting a broad range of resources including demand side resources, distributed energy resources, energy storage, renewable generation, geothermal, pumped storage, and hybrid energy storage systems. All contracts for resources, including firm energy imports, shall have a minimum duration of 10 years.

This website provides an overview of the market solicitation.  Respondents are strongly encouraged to download the RFO protocol and related documents pertaining to the resource type of interest, available below, to fully understand all aspects of this RFO. 

Participation in this RFO requires the completion of the Offer Form, marked up pro forma template, credit application, and other documents pertaining to specific resources. These documents are available via the links below. Failure to provide the listed information may result in an offer being deemed non-conforming and thus may disqualify the offer from further consideration. 

For submission of updates to previously submitted offer(s), please provide updates in the appropriate offer form(s). Respondents updating previously submitted offers are encouraged to highlight all material changes to key commercial terms like available capacity, CODs, current interconnection status, recent CAISO deliverability allocation results, and price.  If there are no material changes to the previously submitted offer, it is not necessary to resubmit the project description, pro forma, or confirm forms. 

RFO Schedule

The following are the key deadlines that apply to this RFO. SDG&E reserves the right to revise this schedule at any time and at SDG&E's sole discretion. Respondents are responsible for accessing the RFO website for updated schedules and possible amendments to the RFO or the solicitation process.





RFO Issued

September 30, 2021


Pre-Offer Webinar details available at


October 13, 2021


DEADLINE TO SUBMIT QUESTIONS. Question submittal cut-off date. Answers to all questions will be posted on the website no later than October 22, 2021

October 20, 2021


DEADLINE TO REGISTER for PowerAdvocate access / to download RFO forms and documents

October 20, 2021


Offers must be uploaded to and received on Power Advocate® no later than 12:00 PM Pacific Prevailing Time 

November 19, 2021


SDG&E Begins Offer Evaluation Process

November 22, 2021


Shortlist determination

February 11, 2022


SDG&E notifies Shortlisted Respondents

February 18, 2022


Letter due from Shortlisted Respondents indicating:
a.    Withdrawal from SDG&E’s solicitation; OR
b.    Acceptance of shortlisted standing and including Shortlist Acceptance Fee SHORTLIST NOTIFICATION

February 25, 2022

10 SDG&E issues appreciation notices to unsuccessful Respondents February 25, 2022
11 SDG&E commences contract negotiations February 25, 2022
12 SDG&E reopens RFO for submission of new offer(s) and/or updates to previously submitted offer(s) April 26, 2022
13 CLOSING DATE: Offers must be uploaded to and received on Power Advocate® no later than 12 p.m. Pacific Prevailing Time.  Mary 11, 2022
14 Target date to complete contract negotiations Q2 2022
15 SDG&E Submits agreements to CPUC for approval Q3 2022

* Negotiation time will vary depending on proposal specifics, including proposed contract modifications. CPUC filing requirements may also affect negotiation milestones.


Submitting Proposals 

Proposals must be submitted via PowerAdvocate in accordance with the instructions contained in the RFP Protocols. Please note that no late bids will be accepted.  

Respondents intending to bid but who do not yet have an existing account with PowerAdvocate® must first register to create a username/password to receive access to the event (event code 133276). Users with an existing PowerAdvocate® account may request access using:   


RFO Communication

All questions or other communications regarding this IRP Reliability RFO must be submitted via email to BOTH [email protected] with a CC to [email protected] (Independent Evaluator).