Flex Alert

Conserve energy voluntarily and help strengthen the grid when it needs it most — all while staying cool.

Flex Alert

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What Is a Flex Alert?

A Flex Alert is a call by the statewide power grid operator, California ISO (CAISO), for consumers to voluntarily reduce their electricity use to ease the strain on the power grid.

Why Do Flex Alerts Happen?

Flex Alerts occur when energy demand is high due to extremely hot weather and there is less renewable energy in the evenings to help balance the needs of the grid.

The combination of high temperatures, along with people returning home from work or school and catching up with energy-intensive activities such as running the laundry or dishwasher and turning on the air conditioners to cool down, can increase the strain on the grid.

The good news is that these types of power outages are preventable. Together, by shifting some of our energy use, we can prevent more dire emergency measures, including rotating power outages.

Tips to Prepare for a Flex Alert

Before a Flex Alert

  • Pre-cool your home so the temperature is comfortable.
  • Close your windows and shut the blinds to keep out the day’s heat.
  • Use your major appliances such as the washer, dryer or dishwasher.
  • Sign up to receive notifications.

During a Flex Alert

  • Adjust your thermostat temperature to 78 °F, if health permits.
  • Turn off lighting in any unused rooms or areas.
  • Use power strips or unplug electronics such as DVRs, TVs and game consoles if not in use, as they can draw power even when switched off.

Flex Alert

To get more energy saving tips and sign up for Flex Alert notifications so you can be prepared to save energy, visit flexalert.org.

Learn more about Flex Alerts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

These events are separate and are called for different reasons.

Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) is when weather data and high fire risk conditions show that your safety could be at risk. When this occurs, we may call for a PSPS in your area. This is a preventative measure that SDG&E only uses as a last resort to help protect your home and community against wildfires and help keep you safe. (Visit sdge.com/PSPS to learn more.)

A Flex Alert is called to help with preventable power outages during high heat temperatures when everyone is using energy to stay cool. Flex Alerts rely on Californians to come together and voluntarily reduce their electricity use to support the grid when it needs it most. 

Customers who are enrolled in Power Saver Rewards and can conserve energy below their typical use during a Flex Alert can earn a bill credit. 

Flex Alerts and Power Saver Rewards work together to help strengthen the grid when it's especially stressed. 

Learn more about Power Saver Rewards