drone in flight

Safety first. Safety last. Safety always. 

Safety is always a top priority at SDG&E, and many of our projects work towards helping to keep our community safe. This includes working to make our region more resilient against climate change and the increased risk of wildfires, as well as strengthening our energy systems to reliably deliver clean energy when and where it's needed.

Preparing our region to be more resilient in the face of wildfire risks

Did you know that over 64% of SDG&E’s service territory is considered a high fire threat district? Taking this into consideration, it’s imperative that SDG&E work hard to help mitigate wildfire risks.

Over the past decade, SDG&E has invested $3 billion dollars in industry-leading wildfire safety and climate adaptation programs that include a high-tech camera system, a team of staff meteorologists, 221 weather stations and drones to pinpoint power outages. Plus, we’ve buried thousands of miles of overhead lines, installed a downed line shutoff system.

In addition to our many safety innovations, we’ve also invested many resources in educating and preparing our customers and community partners. In 2021 we hosted five drive-through fairs and conducted several wildfire safety webinars.

Where Grazing Goats Help Reduce Wildfire Risks

One of SDG&E’s partners in wildfire prevention efforts come with big appetites. A herd of about 200 goats are being used to graze certain areas of the community to help keep corridors open and prevent the spread of noxious weeds. Goats also reduce the use of herbicides and emissions-producing vehicles or machinery to manage vegetation. And they’re available year-round for weed abatement without the risk of igniting fuels in high-fire risk areas.